[leafnode-list] about which groups get read from and posted to a server

Matthias Andree matthias.andree at gmx.de
Sat Aug 14 10:43:42 CEST 2004

Cory C. Albrecht schrieb am 2004-08-14:

> I was just thinking about my post only server dilemma and I cam up with 
> this idea:
> Instead of only_groups_pcre, one could have post_groups_pcre and 
> read_groups_pcre. By default they would be .* which would allow reading 
> from and posting to any newsgroup. For a post only server one would add
>     read_groups_pcre = !.*
> which would be the not of everything, or nothing, so nothing gets 
> posted. This way there wouldn't need to be a noread option.
> In my case of the post only server to which I want to send only certain 
> groups I would have
>     post_groups_pcre = ^alt\.binaries\..*

This is a good idea, but I wonder if this can be generalized even more.

What leafnode needs to do is a real routing task. It needs to decide
where a post needs to go, which upstream servers (in which format, UUCP
is still pending), if it needs to be posted locally, or if it needs to
be mailed to the moderator instead.

I wonder if this restrictions-based approach is the right model or if it
should rather be something like

override moderator for (group) to joe at moderators.example.org
route (group pattern or pcre) to nntp:server1, uucp:server2
route (group pattern or pcre) to nntp:server3
route (group pattern or pcre) to nntp:server4, nntp:server5
route (group pattern or pcre) to none

Obviously this won't work for the incoming side, so there would have to
be things like


I wonder if the default would be to route all unmatched groups to all
known servers - and drop the feedtype parameter. Further thoughts are

Matthias Andree

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