[leafnode-list] Re: using leafnode with existing spool

Julian Bradfield jln at julianbradfield.org
Wed Nov 23 19:07:49 CET 2022

"Gary R. Schmidt" <grschmidt at acm.org> wrote:

>Please don't reply directly, this is a mailing list, ask and answer there.

I replied directly because I didn't want to embarrass you further
on-list about your not reading my post. It is, or was in the good old
days, standard mailing list etiquette to send private replies when the
reply is not useful to the discussion, but only to the recipient - all
other list readers could see that you weren't reading the question,
and didn't need to be told again!

>So if $NEWSSPOOL is /news, and Leafnode is configured 
>"--with-spooldir=/leafnode/", then "ln -s /news/comp /leafnode" and so 
>on should do the right thing.

OK. That seems deceptively simple :) I'll give it a try.
(Well, I'll configure Leafnode with --with-spooldir=/news )

I presume it does or can read .overview files put there by somebody

>The out.going directory in Leafnode is different, it is where out going 
>messages are placed, not newsbatches.

There aren't any out-going messages, so that shouldn't be an issue.

>I think, if the only Leafnode binary that is run is leafnode, it is doable.

OK, I'll try - backing up the spool first!

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