[leafnode-list] Re: Disabling The "Is Valid FQDN" Check

Adam Funk a24061 at ducksburg.com
Sat May 7 22:14:59 CEST 2011

On 2011-05-05, Matthias Andree wrote:

> - I do not support servers that overwrite the Message-ID or don't
> advertise moderated groups as such.
> You can read from them but you must never post to them.  Leafnode-2
> cannot detect that articles are successully posted there and will
> consequently retransmit the articles in an endless loop.

I can confirm that this happens & annoys moderators.  Definitely not
leafnode's fault: astraweb, which I used to use as an upstream server,
misflagged (as 'y' instead of 'm') two moderated groups that I've used
and failed to do anything to correct it, even in response to proper
support tickets.

Am I mistaken in thinking it's an easy problem for a NSP to fix?

> Please report all servers that overwrite or modify Message-IDs to me so
> that I can prevent leafnode from posting to these servers.

I haven't heard about this until now --- is it a common problem?

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