[leafnode-list] Re: help with a pcre for only_groups_pcre

Troy Piggins troy at piggo.com
Tue Apr 29 05:58:05 CEST 2008

* Troy Piggins is quoted & my replies are inline below :
> Been having trouble with what I assume are poorly named groups or
> some sort of glitch on my upstream feed - motzarella or
> iinet.net.au, my ISP.
> Every time I start slrn with these new group names at the end of
> .newsrc :
> -----8<-----
> +00000000.0000:alt.binaries.dvd.french.nzb!
> +00000000.0000:alt.pl.matematyka!
> a+00000000.0000:alt.binaries.dvd.midnightmovies!
> -----8<-----
> slrn crashes at the startup.  I delete these last 3 entries and
> it works fine.  So I figure if I use leafnode's only_groups_pcre
> to not get those groups.  Something like:
> only_groups_pcre = !.*00000000\.0000:.*
> Does this command stop entries of that pattern from even getting
> added to my .newsrc?
> Does that pattern look adequate?
> Does anyone else have this problem?

Think I just answered my own question.  Added it to config,
restarted server, restarted slrn and problem recurred.

Any ideas?

Troy Piggins | http://piggo.com/~troy                           
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