[leafnode-list] Re: leafnode config + PreferencesPane for Mac OS X

Matthias Andree matthias.andree at gmx.de
Thu Nov 2 00:24:55 CET 2006

Yvon Thoraval <yvon_thoraval at mac.com> writes:

> Hey all,
> i'm using four nntp servers in that order :
> - 1 - news.lacave.net
> - 2 - news.individual.de
> - 3 - news.eclipse.org
> - 4 - news.free.fr
> i've put news.lacave.net as the first one because it is free of  
> charge and the quicker, news.individual.de as a few groups not  
> included in the first one, eclipse has only his own groups and  
> finality news.free.fr (my ISP) which has all the groups i need for  
> the time being except those of eclipse.
> the latest, as eclipse has groups, not available elsewhere, those  
> groups are starting by proxad.*.
> here the question comes ;-)
> because of the order of nntp servers in my config file the first  
> server "news.lacave.net" complains each time i want to post in a  
> group belonging to the latest :
> Oct 31 07:22:59 yvon-thoraval fetchnews[29741]: news.lacave.net:  
> cannot parse reply to "GROUP proxad.free.adsl": "502 Permission denied"
> an obvious solution would be to set the last server in the first  
> position BUT i don't like that that because the last one  
> "news.free.fr" is the less reliable and the slower one, i want to  
> load grom it only the froups sarting with proxad.*


only_groups_pcre = proxad\.

below your "server=news.free.fr" line and put that server with that
only_groups line first. This should use news.free.fr only for groups
whose names match ^proxad\. (i. e. starting with "proxad.")

Since I'm totally MacOS X agnostic, I'm not going to comment on your
other suggestions.
Sorry - too little time and too few Apple computers :-)

Matthias Andree

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