[leafnode-list] leafnode config + PreferencesPane for Mac OS X

Yvon Thoraval yvon_thoraval at mac.com
Wed Nov 1 17:46:59 CET 2006

Hey all,

i'm using four nntp servers in that order :

- 1 - news.lacave.net
- 2 - news.individual.de
- 3 - news.eclipse.org
- 4 - news.free.fr

i've put news.lacave.net as the first one because it is free of  
charge and the quicker, news.individual.de as a few groups not  
included in the first one, eclipse has only his own groups and  
finality news.free.fr (my ISP) which has all the groups i need for  
the time being except those of eclipse.

the latest, as eclipse has groups, not available elsewhere, those  
groups are starting by proxad.*.

here the question comes ;-)

because of the order of nntp servers in my config file the first  
server "news.lacave.net" complains each time i want to post in a  
group belonging to the latest :

Oct 31 07:22:59 yvon-thoraval fetchnews[29741]: news.lacave.net:  
cannot parse reply to "GROUP proxad.free.adsl": "502 Permission denied"

an obvious solution would be to set the last server in the first  
position BUT i don't like that that because the last one  
"news.free.fr" is the less reliable and the slower one, i want to  
load grom it only the froups sarting with proxad.*

am I stuck or did i misunderstoof the config file stating for the  
fist one :

> ############################################
> ##                                        ##
> ## SERVER declarations go below this line ##
> ##                                        ##
> ############################################
> ## This is the NNTP server leafnode fetches its news from.
> ## You need read and post access to it. Mandatory.

what does mean mandatory here ?

i need to avoid all those messages from  fetnews otherwise launch  
daemon will kill the fetchnews job (i'm running over Mac OS X).

because i like leafnode i'd like to contibute then, i'm writting,  
following the work of  J. Kutilek writing a "one click installer" for  
leafnode, i've started to write a PreferencesPane for LeafNode,  
again, working only on MacOS X.

the first alpha version will be released before next week, this  
release will be as simple as possible. It will only allow an admin  
user (authetification is needed) to stop and restart leafnode only.  
Obviously afterwards i'll add fetchnews textpire etc..

on mac os x tasks are launched by launchd and, in order to avoid  
collision between tasks name, they have to follow some rules, saying  
in short,  the "reverse dns" path. leafnode being on sourceforge.net  
i've choosen, fo the time being :

net.sourceforge.leafnode for leafnode, i'll probably make use of :
net.sourceforge.ftexpite etc...

hoping this could avoid names conflict.

i'm not sure of what to do for fetchnews, texpire etc. may be i'll use :


because i don't if the name fetchnews is used elsewhere than leafnode.

let me know if you agree with above choices or not i'll apreciate any  
advise on that subject.



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