[leafnode-list] files outin .going and files modes

Matthias Andree matthias.andree at gmx.de
Sat Aug 14 10:24:17 CEST 2004

On Sat, 14 Aug 2004, Cory C. Albrecht wrote:

> With leafnode v2 there have been some files hanging around in the 
> out.going director, even after several runs of fetchnews. I read 
> somewhere about the file mode was used to allow fetchnews to determine 
> which could be sent and then erased and which needed to be ignored 
> because leafnode was still writing to them. So I chmod'ed the files 
> accordingly, rand fetchnews manually with -vvvv and watched them go 
> out.

Leafnode-2 goes another way to make sure only complete posts appear in
out.going - it receives new posts in temp.files/ and only after they've
been completely received will the files be linked to out.going (for
posts to upstream) or to in.coming (for local groups and when
no_direct_spool is unset). Leafnode-2 checks if the group is available
upstream (override with post_anygroup = 1) and if the article is
available upstream (STAT command unless it is known the upstream server
breaks on STAT and needs HEAD instead).

Permissions are currently used to track if a post has been received by
any upstream server, setting the u+x bit is actually dangerous because
it makes fetchnews believe it has already successfully posted the
article before.

> But now it's happening again and they aren't getting sent by fetchnews 
> (and not being moved to failed.postings). Unfortunately I can't find 
> where the heck it was that i read this bout the file modes. Could 
> somebody tell me where that is?

That was in leafnode-1 and no longer applies to the recent leafnode-2

Matthias Andree

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