[leafnode-list] Re: Leafnode 1.11.11 released (STABLE)

Matěj Cepl mcepl at cepl.eu
Tue Aug 25 15:13:42 CEST 2015

On 2015-08-25, 07:10 GMT, Matthias Andree wrote:
> Binary RPMs are no longer provided.

And they are not needed.  
http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=680040 is 
the build in the Fedora Rawhide and for other distros the 
packges are being built right now.

> - The configfile parser now strips whitespace between configuration
>   parameter's value and a trailing comment. Found by Cecil Westerhof.
> - The roff manual page sources now render proper hyphens (-), minus characters
>   (\-) and en-dashes (\[en]) depending on their context. This is so that
>   copying-and-pasting from the manual page works properly.
> - The code that checks if the peer is local now properly deals with IPv4
>   mapped IPv6 addresses.

rpmlint complaints that 

    leafnode.x86_64: E: missing-call-to-setgroups /usr/sbin/checkgroups
    leafnode.x86_64: E: missing-call-to-setgroups /usr/bin/newsq
    leafnode.x86_64: E: missing-call-to-setgroups /usr/sbin/applyfilter
    leafnode.x86_64: E: missing-call-to-setgroups /usr/sbin/texpire
    leafnode.x86_64: E: missing-call-to-setgroups /usr/sbin/leafnode
    leafnode.x86_64: E: missing-call-to-setgroups /usr/sbin/fetchnews

I cannot find much documentation for this error, so I know 
neither how critical it is nor what to do about it.

Do you know?


http://www.ceplovi.cz/matej/, Jabber: mcepl at ceplovi.cz
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Las cosas claras y el chocolate espeso.
(Ideas should be clear and chocolate thick.)
    -- Spanish proverb

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