[leafnode-list] Re: Does 'expire' really mean what it says?

Matthias Andree matthias.andree at gmx.de
Wed Dec 2 19:20:22 CET 2009

Am 02.12.2009, 18:28 Uhr, schrieb Chris G <cl at isbd.net>:

> At the top of my leafnode config file I have:-
>     ## Unread articles will be deleted after this many days if
>     ## you don't define special expire times. Mandatory.
>     expire = 20
> Does it really mean *unread* articles will be deleted after 20 days?

Yes (assuming texpire installed as cron job, as Daniel remarked rightly),  
but leafnode-2 will retain context for threads that you read, i. e.  
articles of which you have read a followup will remain in the spool  
(unless you run texpire -a that is).

Zero maintenance means not filling up your disk if you leave everything  
alone, right? :)

> Or does it mean *all* articles will be deleted after 20 days?

leafnode-2: "20 days after any article in the thread was last read"
leafnode-1 in any setting, or leafnode-2 with texpire -a: "20 days after  
the article was last read" (if ever).

reading articles defers expiry unless you specify the -f option to  

If someone wants to help leafnode, feel free to write this up for  
leafnode-2 and create a patch or a new section for texpire.8.in and/or  
leafnode.8.in. You will be credited in the NEWS file. :)

Best regards

Matthias Andree

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