[leafnode-list] Re: How to make leafnode refresh all groups without having to visit them?

Chris G cl at isbd.net
Sat Oct 17 15:42:35 CEST 2009

On Sat, Oct 17, 2009 at 11:40:54AM +0200, Matthias Andree wrote:
> Am 17.10.2009, 09:54 Uhr, schrieb Chris G <cl at isbd.net>:
>> I use tin as my newsreader.  When it starts up it presents me with a
>> list of my currently subscribed newsgroups and a count of new messages
>> in each group.
>> I then visit only the groups which have new messages (Shift/C sets all
>> messages in current group read and moves to the next with unread
>> messages).  Thus I will never visit a group with no new messages and
>> leafnode doesn't fetch anyhthing for that group and (circularly) there
>> are no new messages.
> This is a problem with reading from the news spool, rather than via NNTP 
> - leafnode cannot detect which groups are interesting to you. You can 
> change the cron scripts to use "fetchnews -n" (rather than just 
> fetchnews) and use the touch command to create files named after the 
> groups you're interested in in /var/spool/news/interesting.groups/. The 
> files should be 0-sized.
I'm using NNTP, tin doesn't work reading direct from the news spool.

I don't quite see what difference it makes though.

>> Is there any way around this?  I want leafnode to always refresh all
>> the groups in my .newsrc file regardless of whether I have visited
>> them or not.
> Leafnode cannot read your .newsrc file, so you need to manually do things 
> as described above, or switch to NNTP.
I realise leafnode can't read my .newsrc.

It *may* be that things are working as I want, I'll sit and use it for
a few days and see if all is well.

Chris Green

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