[leafnode-list] Re: Wrong reply to ARTICLE command: "412 no group selected"

Matthias Andree matthias.andree at gmx.de
Tue Feb 10 10:01:49 CET 2009

Am 09.02.2009, 23:39 Uhr, schrieb Paul Brooks <paulbrooks59 at hotmail.com>:

> After a lot of trials and getting cut off from my news server for
> a short time, I now have a log with the error message in it using the  
> command
> fetchnews -evvvvD 131 -x 50000 2>&1 | tee some.log
>> Then gzip, bzip2, or lzma the some.log file and send it to me IN PRIVATE
>> (to the gmx.de address) - it's too large for the list. I'll then see if  
>> I
>> can figure out what's up.
> I will send the log file to you direct in another email.

Hi Paul,

the log has arrived safely. I see no immediate pattern for the  
intermittent failures, but a misbehaving server.

Since I do not have access to your newsserver, can you try to set  
windowsize=1 in your leafnode "config" file and re-run the fetchnews  
command and see if it yields the same errors? fetchnews will probably run  
a bit slower than before (depending on your ping latency). For a first  
try, no need to enable debug logging.

I have also filed a support request with your news provider, dubbed  
"information request" (tech support is only for customers), to see if we  
need to blacklist pipelining to their servers (which is what windowsize=1  


Matthias Andree

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