[leafnode-list] Re: fetchnews doesn't fetch anything

Manfred Lotz manfred.lotz at arcor.de
Wed Oct 1 19:04:05 CEST 2008

Robert Grimm wrote:
> Manfred Lotz <manfred.lotz at arcor.de> wrote:
>> hostname = localhost
> This should be a FQDN. You may not be able to post.
>> server = news.arcor.de
> Can you try a different server? I read about problems at news.arcor.de
> lately.

I changed to news.gmane.org.

>> Then I subscribed alt.alt.test from Opera client. When running fetchnews 
>> it simply doesn't fetch anything.
> None of the upstream servers I use have alt.alt.test.
> groups.google says:
> Description alt.alt.test: Use alt.test instead.
> Please also try a different  group.

and subscribed to gmane.comp.lang.scala.user

>> # fetchnews -vv
> Please try
> # fetchnews -vvvv

# sudo fetchnews -f -vvv 
     fetchnews mode: get articles, get headers, get bodies, post articles
found 0 articles in in.coming.
news.gmane.org: connecting to port nntp
   trying:    address port 119...
   connected: address port 119.
news.gmane.org: connected (200), banner: "200 news.gmane.org 
InterNetNews NNRP server INN 2.4.1 ready (posting ok)."
news.gmane.org: getting newsgroups list
news.gmane.org: read 10807 newsgroups
news.gmane.org: getting newsgroup descriptions
news.gmane.org: feedtype == NNTP.
found 0 articles in out.going.
news.gmane.org: 0 articles posted
gmane.comp.lang.scala.user: considering 8490 articles 1 - 8490, using XOVER
gmane.comp.lang.scala.user: XOVER: 8490 seen, 0 I have, 8490 filtered, 0 
to get
gmane.comp.lang.scala.user: all articles already there
fetchnews: 0 articles and 0 headers fetched, 8490 killed, 0 posted, in 
10 seconds

I don't know if it is important but I copied filters.example to filters.


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