[leafnode-list] Re: User authentication

Whiskers catwheezel at operamail.com
Wed Sep 17 14:46:06 CEST 2008

On Wed, 17 Sep 2008 10:16:59 +0200 "Samuel Tardieu" <sam at rfc1149.net>

> >>>>> "Whiskers" == Whiskers  <catwheezel at operamail.com> writes:


> Whiskers> Is that a side-effect of posting to the list via Gmane's
> Whiskers> usenet gateway?
> I read it through gmane and it appears to be ok.
>   Sam

And there's no mention of Base 64 in the headers I received with your 
message, so it probably isn't anything to do with Gmane.  Curioser and 

-- ^^^^^^^^^^
--  Whiskers 
-- ~~~~~~~~~~

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