[leafnode-list] Re: fetchmail, fetchnews can't get thru router

Christian Ebert blacktrash at gmx.net
Thu Aug 7 23:45:47 CEST 2008

* Matthias Andree on Thursday, August 07, 2008 at 21:36:57 +0200
> Christian Ebert schrieb am 2008-08-07:
>> FWIW, I also tried fetchmail with mda procmail to exclude
>> communication issues with the local server.
> Since you wrote T-Online were to exchange your router or modem, let's
> just wait if that helps.


>> What debugmode level would be appropriate and informative?
> 129 - for fetchnews of leafnode-2, use -e to capture logging on stderr,
> perhaps -evvvvvd129


As there was no timeout (like for fetchmail) specified I waited
for several minutes, an lo and behold, it worked w/o errors.

>> Although I doubt that would be much more info as, like fetchmail,
>> just hangs after first connecting to the server.
> Let's see.

Like fetchmail it hangs ages after first connecting.

I've got a 187 line tcpdump for 1 server query. In case you'd
like to see it, tell me how to send it.


  Was heißt hier Dogma, ich bin Underdogma!
[ What the hell do you mean dogma, I am underdogma. ]

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