[leafnode-list] Two (or more) systems synchronization

Angel Martin Alganza ama at ugr.es
Sat Oct 6 19:56:25 CEST 2007


I am using leafnode for a few years already and I am really delighted
with it.  I read my news using tin 'locally' (at the same box as
leafnode is running).  When I am working on a different box, I still
run tin on the leafnode box through a 'screen' session.

What I would like to do is somehow synchronize my notebook to my mail
box so that I can read my newsgroups both online (at the leafnode box
or at any other online box) and off-line (at my notebook without
permanent internet connection.  Of course, I want that posts that I
have already read in either of them don't show up in the other.

The ideal thing would be that my notebook news got synchronized with
my main box, then I go off-line, I read and write my news and, when I
connect my notebook again, it synchronizes again to my main box
(sending the posts I've written on the notebook, receiving new posts
and deleting the posts I've read from the main box ---so that they
don't show up when I read new on it---).

Is there a way to do that or should I just install leafnode also on my
notebook and look for a way to synchronize the boxes at the reader
(tin) level?  What would you suggest me to do?

Thanks for your interest and help.
And many thanks to the leafnode authors for such a great piece of soft.


Angel Martin Alganza               Tel +34 958 248 926
Departamento de Genetica           Fax +34 958 244 073
Universidad de Granada               mailto:ama at ugr.es
C/ Fuentenueva s/n             http://www.ugr.es/~ama/
E-18071 Granada, Spain     JabberID alganza at jabber.org
  PGP Public key: http://www.ugr.es/~ama/ama-pgp-key
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