[leafnode-list] bad status characters and newsgroup name conflicts...

Troy Piggins troy at piggo.com
Wed Dec 6 05:44:45 CET 2006

I just noticed these errors[1] while running 'fetchnews -vvv'.
Not sure if they are the result of a corrupt file here, or
problems with the server at the other end.  Any ideas?

The message at the end about refetching active file made me think
it's a problem at my end.


fetchnews mode: get articles, get headers, get bodies, post articles
found 0 articles in in.coming.
freenews.iinet.net.au: connecting to port nntp
  trying:    address port 119...
  connected: address port 119.
freenews.iinet.net.au: connected (200), banner: "200 per-qv1-newsreader-01.iinet.net.au NNRP Service Ready - support at iinet.net.au (posting ok)."
freenews.iinet.net.au: getting newsgroups list
bad status character in "newgroup 0000000001 0000000002 rec.photo.marketplace.digital", skipping
Warning: skipping group "alt.", invalid name (NULL component).
Warning: skipping group "free.fr.binaries.", invalid name (NULL component).
bad status character in "ihug.general 0000003044 0000002198 f", skipping
bad status character in "ihug.test 0000000034 0000000033 f", skipping
bad status character in "ihug.local.aus 0000000002 0000000003 f", skipping
bad status character in "ihug.bliink 0000000352 0000000351 f", skipping
bad status character in "ihug.newsgroups.wanted 0000000008 0000000009 f", skipping
bad status character in "alt.tv.amazing-race 0000027586 0000021363 f", skipping
bad status character in "aus.family 0000035779 0000031826 f", skipping
freenews.iinet.net.au: read 38749 newsgroups
Newsgroup name conflict: alt.cars.ford-probe vs. alt.cars.Ford-Probe
Newsgroup name conflict, chose alt.cars.ford-probe
Newsgroup name conflict: alt.nuke.the.usa vs. alt.nuke.the.USA
Newsgroup name conflict, chose alt.nuke.the.usa
Newsgroup name conflict: alt.sports.hockey.nhl.Que-Nordiques vs. alt.sports.hockey.nhl.que-nordiques
Newsgroup name conflict, chose alt.sports.hockey.nhl.que-nordiques
Newsgroup name conflict: git.talk.nomic vs. git.talk.NOMIC
Newsgroup name conflict, chose git.talk.nomic
freenews.iinet.net.au: getting newsgroup descriptions
found 0 articles in out.going.
freenews.iinet.net.au: 0 articles posted
freenews.iinet.net.au: alt.apache.configuration: no new articles
freenews.iinet.net.au: alt.ascii-art: no new articles
freenews.iinet.net.au: alt.comp.lang.php: no new articles
freenews.iinet.net.au: alt.comp.mail.postfix: no new articles
freenews.iinet.net.au: alt.fan.mozilla: no new articles
freenews.iinet.net.au: alt.fr.jeux.bourse.philatelie: no new articles
freenews.iinet.net.au: alt.games.half-life: no new articles
freenews.iinet.net.au: alt.games.half-life.counterstrike: no new articles
alt.php: considering 1 articles 112415 - 112415, using XOVER
alt.php: XOVER: 1 seen, 0 I have, 0 filtered, 1 to get
alt.php: will fetch 1 articles
alt.php: 1 articles fetched (to 799), 0 killed
freenews.iinet.net.au: aus.photo: no new articles
freenews.iinet.net.au: comp.editors: no new articles
freenews.iinet.net.au: comp.graphics.apps.gimp: no new articles
freenews.iinet.net.au: comp.lang.php: no new articles
freenews.iinet.net.au: comp.mail.misc: no new articles
freenews.iinet.net.au: comp.mail.mutt: no new articles
freenews.iinet.net.au: comp.os.linux.security: no new articles
freenews.iinet.net.au: comp.unix.admin: no new articles
freenews.iinet.net.au: news.software.nntp: no new articles
freenews.iinet.net.au: news.software.readers: no new articles
news.gmane.org: connecting to port nntp
  trying:    address port 119...
  connected: address port 119.
news.gmane.org: connected (200), banner: "200 news.gmane.org InterNetNews NNRP server INN 2.4.1 ready (posting ok)."
news.gmane.org: getting newsgroups list
news.gmane.org: read 9020 newsgroups
Newsgroup name conflict: gmane.comp.gnome.apps.Dia vs. gmane.comp.gnome.apps.dia
Newsgroup name conflict, chose gmane.comp.gnome.apps.dia
news.gmane.org: getting newsgroup descriptions
found 0 articles in out.going.
news.gmane.org: 0 articles posted
news.mozilla.com: connecting to port nntp
  trying:    address port 119...
  connected: address port 119.
news.mozilla.com: connected (200), banner: "200 news.mozilla.org"
news.mozilla.com: getting newsgroups list
news.mozilla.com: read 165 newsgroups
news.mozilla.com: getting newsgroup descriptions
news.mozilla.com: reading newsgroups descriptions failed: 501 no such list available
found 0 articles in out.going.
news.mozilla.com: 0 articles posted
REASON: could not successfully talk to all servers.
fetchnews: 1 articles and 0 headers fetched, 0 killed, 0 posted, in 62 seconds

Troy Piggins                                                    ,-O   (o-    O  
                                                               O   )  //\     O
If you're into bondage, make sure "More"                        `-O   V_/_  OOO
  isn't your safety word.                                            RLU#415538

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