[leafnode-list] Re: fetchnews says : "Check your system clock"

Michael Mauch michael.mauch at gmx.de
Wed Nov 1 23:11:57 CET 2006

Yvon Thoraval wrote:

> presently i'm connecting to four different nntp servers.
> fetchnews says, for all of them :
> Oct 29 03:46:49 yvon-thoraval fetchnews[25978]: check_date:  
> news.free.fr: clocks of upstream and this computer are more than 10  
> minutes apart. Check your system clock.
> i wonder about this 10 mn difference because the intenal clock of my  
> computer is set by a ntp server a 10 mn seems to be a too long  
> difference for the system clock not to react.
> what could be the reason for such a discrepency ???
> while i'm posting it is 18h17 paris time zone.

Ok, but what is the time and time zone of your computer? What time
and time zone does "date" print and is it the correct time?

I just looked at news.free.fr and its time seems correct.


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