[leafnode-list] Re: fetchnews -vvv OK but not telneting ?

Yvon Thoraval yvon_thoraval at mac.com
Thu Oct 26 09:38:50 CEST 2006

Matthias Andree wrote:
> Check /etc/leafnode (or wherever your configuration file resides)
> instead. Then confirm the user account that your inetd.conf, xinetd.conf
> or similar file (that starts the actual server on port 119) is suitable
> (news in your case).
hey Mathias are you saying, ironically, that i'd better to read my own 
translation of "leafnode sur Mac OS 10.3.+ Guide d’Installation" ?

ok fine i'll do that and, because, Apple as moved the way to use daemon 
drom xinet.d to lauchd (use a plist) i'll take you informed of the new 
way to do that, obviously "jens kutílek" too.

see :

and afterwards, build a MacOS X (> 10.3) package in order to install the 
full setup.



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