[leafnode-list] pygn as a mail2news gateway

Matej Cepl ceplm at seznam.cz
Fri Sep 1 05:26:49 CEST 2006


so now the real problem I am dealing with -- mail2news bidirectional

On leafnode 1.* I used mail2news patch by Nikita Youschenko
(http://zigzag.lvk.cs.msu.su/leafnode/ -- I wonder something like that has
not been included in leafnode 2.*, it would make great fit IMHO, but I know
I am not a programmer, and I won't do it, so I shut up on this), so I have
to install some mail2news gateway. I tried pygn (just because it is
packaged for Debian; any other suggestions?), but I haven't managed to
configured it yet. This is what I did (with expected workflow):

1) mail is read by my kmail (user matej) and if it is list message which
should be gatewayed to news, it is bounced to news at localhost -- this step
has been working perfectly for couple of years and it has not been changed.

2) news' .procmailrc contains a lot of rules like this (for news2mail):

ARG = $1

:0 bh:
* ARG ?? local-mail-comp-boston
| pygn2m -l $HOME/log-pygn2m -d -t discuss at blu.org -s ceplm at seznam.cz

and like this (for mail2news):

:0 bh:
* ^List-Id:.*pkg-lyx-devel.lists.alioth.debian.org
| pygm2n  -l $HOME/log-pygm2n -d -n local.mail.comp.lyx-debian

/etc/news/local.groups is this:

local.mail.comp.cambridge       m       Cambridge (UK) LUG
local.mail.comp.boston  m       Boston LUG
local.mail.comp.surrey  m       Surrey LUG
local.mail.comp.bosto-admin     m       Boston admins
local.mail.comp.oxford  m       Oxford LUG
local.mail.comp.lyx-debian      m       Maintainer of LyX on Debian
local.mail.comp.scottish        m       Scottish LUG
local.mail.comp.northwales      m       NWales LUG
local.mail.comp.southwales      m       SWales LUG
local.mail.comp.czdebian        m       Diskuse českých uživatel Debianu
local.mail.vcfc.random  m       Random list z VCFC
local.mail.vcfc.branik  m       Diskuse ČCE Braník
local.mail.soc.oakeshott        m       Conversation -- discussion about Oakeshott
local.mail.soc.read-only        m       různá RO sociologie
local.mail.zpravy       m       NG pro různé zpravodajství
local.test      m       testing group

and this is /etc/news/moderators (w/o comments):

## Public hierarchies with exceptions.
fido7.*:%s at fido7.ru
ffm.*:%s at moderators.arcornews.de
fj.*:%s at moderators.fj-news.org
medlux.*:%s at news.medlux.ru
nl.*:%s at nl.net
relcom.*:%s at moderators.relcom.ru
ukr.*:%s at sita.kiev.ua

# local groups are moderated by news at localhost
local.*:news+%s at localhost

# and all gmane stuff should be posted directly
# gmane does its own thing on it

## Direct all other public hierarchies to the master moderator database.
*:%s at moderators.isc.org

Even though (according to ~news/log-procmail) all messages seem to be
running correctly, I don't get a message with moderated newsgroups.
However, without moderating newsgroups, I don't know how to make work
sending emails from leafnode to email.

Any thoughts or help, please?



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Home is where ~/.bashrc is.
   -- from Usenet
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