[leafnode-list] Re: filtering crossposts

Reiner Steib reinersteib+gmane at imap.cc
Sun Jul 23 22:36:12 CEST 2006

On Sun, Jul 23 2006, Lloyd Zusman wrote:

> Amedee Van Gasse <amedee at amedee.be>
> writes:
>> With an example: I want to see posts that go to be.comp.os.linux OR to
>> be.comp.os.windows, but I don't want to see posts that are crossposted
>> between them (because these are almost always inflamatory...)
> Put this into your filters file:
>   newsgroups = ^be\.comp\.os\.(linux|windows)$
>   maxcrosspost = 1
>   action = kill

This rule would kill other cross-posts too, e.g. postings with
"Newsgroups: be.comp.os.linux,be.foo" or "Newsgroups:

How about one of the following rules (leafnode2 syntax)?

| newsgroups = be\.comp\.os\.linux
| pattern = ^Xref:.* be\.comp\.os\.windows:
| action = kill
| newsgroups = be\.comp\.os\.windows
| pattern = ^Xref:.* be\.comp\.os\.linux:
| action = kill

| newsgroups = be\.comp\.os\.(linux|windows)$
| pattern = ^Xref:.* be\.comp\.os\.linux:.* be\.comp\.os\.windows:
| action = kill
| pattern = ^Xref:.* be\.comp\.os\.windows:.* be\.comp\.os\.linux:
| action = kill

Bye, Reiner.
      (o o)
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