[leafnode-list] leafnode2 hostname problems

Troy Piggins troy at piggo.com
Thu Jun 8 13:14:42 CEST 2006

[posted also on news.software.nntp]

My leafnode2 worked for a few hours, I was able to run fetchnews
etc, even posted some, with these settings:

$ cat /etc/hostname

$ cat /etc/hosts       armadillo.piggo.dyndns.org localhost armadillo dns mail www news

$ cat /etc/leafnode/config|grep ^hostname
hostname = armadillo.piggo.dyndns.org

Then all of a sudden (overnight) I couldn't connect to the server
any more.

$ ping -c 4 armadillo.piggo.dyndns.org
PING armadillo.piggo.dyndns.org ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from armadillo.piggo.dyndns.org ( icmp_seq=1
ttl=64 time=0.0
64 bytes from armadillo.piggo.dyndns.org ( icmp_seq=2
ttl=64 time=0.0
64 bytes from armadillo.piggo.dyndns.org ( icmp_seq=3
ttl=64 time=0.0
64 bytes from armadillo.piggo.dyndns.org ( icmp_seq=4
ttl=64 time=0.0

--- armadillo.piggo.dyndns.org ping statistics ---
4 packets transmitted, 4 received, 0% packet loss, time 3002ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.022/0.055/0.086/0.024 ms

$ telnet localhost nntp
Connected to armadillo.piggo.dyndns.org.
Escape character is '^]'.

Leafnode must have a fully-qualified domain name,
not just "armadillo".
Edit your /etc/hosts file to add a fully qualified domain name.

Leafnode must have a fully-qualified domain name,
not just "armadillo".
Edit your /etc/hosts file to add a fully qualified domain name.

Connection closed by foreign host.

$ telnet armadillo.piggo.dyndns.org nntp
Connected to armadillo.piggo.dyndns.org.
Escape character is '^]'.

Leafnode must have a fully-qualified domain name,
not just "armadillo".
Edit your /etc/hosts file to add a fully qualified domain name.

Leafnode must have a fully-qualified domain name,
not just "armadillo".
Edit your /etc/hosts file to add a fully qualified domain name.

Connection closed by foreign host.

Why isn't the hostname setting in /etc/leafnode/config recognised at
all?  I'm sure it worked in leafnode1.

Troy Piggins
  ,-o   Ubuntu v6.06 (Dapper Drake): kernel 2.6.15-23-server, 
 o   )  postfix 2.2.4, procmail 3.22, mutt 1.5.11i,
  `-o   slrn, vim 6.4

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