[leafnode-list] Re: Excessive error handling on "store: no valid newsgroups"

Matthias Andree matthias.andree at gmx.de
Tue Nov 15 09:55:00 CET 2005

Patric Mueller <bhaak at gmx.net> writes:

> Leafnode gets all confused when trying to parse this control message:
> Subject: cmsg newgroup alt.suisse.bal.andree.colon
> Message-ID: <4144.592285156256018.6767578125318.603515625 at>
> The relevant portion of the output of fetchnews looks like this. For
> testing purposes I set the initialfetch value to 10.
> news.individual.de: control.newgroup: skipping articles 1-257963
> inclusive (initial limit)
> control.newgroup: considering 10 articles 257964 - 257973, using XOVER
> control.newgroup: XOVER: 10 seen, 0 I have, 0 filtered, 10 to get
> control.newgroup: will fetch 10 articles
> store: no valid newsgroups
> Wrong reply to ARTICLE command: "Booster to reverse rogue rmgroup."
> control.newgroup: 1 articles fetched (to 2), 0 killed
> news.individual.de: cannot parse reply to "GROUP control.rmgroup": "***Verstärkermeldung***  ***Booster***  ***lettre de renforcateur***"
> REASON: could not successfully talk to all servers.
> I guess leafnode bails with "store: no valid newsgroups" because this
> posting doesn't contain control.newgroup in its Newsgroups-line.
> I don't know if leafnode should store a message in a newsgroup when
> this newsgroup is missing from the header.
> But it shouldn't just bail without consuming the articles body. A
> check with ethereal showed that leafnode tries to parse the body of
> the control message as response to the subsequent ARTICLE and GROUP
> requests.


> I've forgotten to mention that I've tested this with the latest
> leafnode version leafnode-2.0.0.alpha20050914a.


I see the problem. The return code is "0", and for that reason,
fetchnews forgets to discard the message body and mistakes it as reply
to other commands.

Can you try the attached patch and let me know if it works for you? The
patch should apply nicely on top of both the 20051113a and the 20050914a
versions.  You can safely ignore the "(offset NN lines)" messages.

Thank you for reporting the problem,

Matthias Andree
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A non-text attachment was scrubbed...
Name: leafnode2-invalidgroups.patch
Type: text/x-patch
Size: 1533 bytes
Desc: fetchnews: fix getting out-of-synch after \"store: no	valid newsgroups\"
URL: <http://krusty.dt.e-technik.tu-dortmund.de/pipermail/leafnode-list/attachments/20051115/2335fe43/attachment.bin>

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