[leafnode-list] Common direcoty header for groups

Werner Geuens werner at geuens.org
Mon Aug 15 13:39:28 CEST 2005

is it possible to set a common header for the group dirs, in a way similar to 
the "message.id" directory? It would clear up the structure, and ease making 
stats/searches/etc.. trough the groups.

This is a (simplified) view of my actual dir:
|-- alt
|   |-- math
|   |   `-- recreational
|   `-- os
|       `-- linux
|           `-- suse
|-- comp
|   `-- os
|       `-- linux
|           |-- hardware
|           `-- networking
|-- failed.postings
|-- interesting.groups
|-- leaf.node
|-- linux
|   `-- samba
|-- message.id
|-- out.going
|-- sci
|   `-- geo
|       `-- cartography
|-- temp.files
`-- uk
    `-- comp
        `-- os
            `-- linux

But I would prefer it like this:
|-- failed.postings
|-- groups
|   |-- alt
|   |   |-- math
|   |   |   `-- recreational
|   |   `-- os
|   |       `-- linux
|   |           `-- suse
|   |-- comp
|   |   `-- os
|   |       `-- linux
|   |           |-- hardware
|   |           `-- networking
|   |-- linux
|   |   `-- samba
|   |-- sci
|   |   `-- geo
|   |       `-- cartography
|   `-- uk
|       `-- comp
|           `-- os
|               `-- linux
|-- interesting.groups
|-- leaf.node
|-- message.id
|-- out.going
`-- temp.files

The main dir /var/spool/news/" would also be clearer, no ?

Werner Geuens
mailto:werner at geuens.org
Flying is easy, just throw yourself at the ground and miss.
(Douglas Adams)

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