[leafnode-list] Groupinfo file damaged ... ???

Robert Clark clark at exiter.com
Mon Dec 13 05:41:10 CET 2004

In article <m3mzwi6hvx.fsf at merlin.emma.line.org>, Matthias Andree
<ma at dt.e-technik.uni-dortmund.de> wrote:
> Gee. That line changed after 20041113a in my source repository. Please
> apologize the confusion. I take that question back.
> I wonder if there's bogus data from upstreams or if there's some issue
> with the mmap() stuff.

After Lloyd and Jeff pointed it out, I noticed it on the 20041113a version
as well. I think that the problem is with the code that is supposed to skip
forward past the '#A ...' line with the number of groups. 

With this patch:

--- activutil.c.orig    2004-12-12 23:35:45.311249413 -0500
+++ activutil.c 2004-12-12 23:36:35.071427161 -0500
@@ -498,7 +498,8 @@
         * with line count and X is a version letter */
        get_long(mmap_ptr + 3, &t);
        activesize = t;
-       file_index = strcspn(mmap_ptr + 3, "\n") + 1;
+       /* Determine how far into the file the name of the first group is */
+       file_index = strchr(mmap_ptr, '\n') - mmap_ptr + 1;
     } else {
        /* old format; count lines = newsgroups */
        activesize = 0;

I no longer see there error. Could this be the root of the problem?

- Rob

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