[leafnode-list] leafnode-2 rejects valid Message-ID

Joerg Dietrich joerg at dietrich.net
Tue Apr 20 20:25:48 CEST 2004

I noticed the problem that leafnode-2 (current CVS version)
rejects some locally posted articles because it determines their
Message-ID to be invalid, even when they are perfectly valid.

joerg at leviathan joerg $ telnet localhost 119
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
200 Leafnode NNTP daemon, version 2.0.0.cvs-20040325 at leviathan.homedns.org 
340 Ok, recommended ID <a56gl1xpf9.ln2 at leviathan.homedns.org>
newsgroups:  leviathan.test
from: joerg at localhost
subject: test
message-id: <test at localhost.iayc.org>

441 Invalid header "Message-ID: <test at localhost.iayc.org>", article not posted

The domain iayc.org is under my control and I'm free to assign
the sub-domain localhost which can be used for Message-ID

-- Jo:rg

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