[leafnode-list] Leafnode 1.11.12 released (STABLE)

Matthias Andree matthias.andree at gmx.de
Sun Mar 28 00:50:47 CET 2021

                   leafnode 1.11.12 has been released.

| If you like leafnode, please consider donating - voluntarily |
| Donate via https://sourceforge.net/p/leafnode/donate/        |

Version 1.11.12 is minor update to release fixes accumulated
over the past years.

Binary RPMs are no longer provided.

This version is or will become available in .tar.xz and/or .tar.bz2
format from these sites:

o SourceForge -- Source .tar.xz/.tar.bz2

Below are file checksums and the NEWS file excerpt, with changes since
the previous release.  The full ChangeLog ships with the tarballs.

Have fun,
Matthias Andree, Leafnode maintainer

SHA checksums:
SHA1(leafnode-1.11.12.tar.bz2)= 2a718721413ea0954674df3b094c30dd0550cc54
SHA1(leafnode-1.11.12.tar.gz)= 7d0df8dd7e7fd70fe0de145c86f865b2cb071bf8
SHA1(upgrade-1.11.11-to-1.11.12.diff.gz)= ec814d9ae96f11746b8a54d0c29030a2fb7beb85

SHA256(leafnode-1.11.12.tar.bz2)= 75b3a74c94d96885222a04f875a77331612ba4b1bcf22bcd726f45a7886875a8
SHA256(leafnode-1.11.12.tar.gz)= ebeb4043200ee569a16141580d0341b51d61240da545a0fce9b22c1034daae2c
SHA256(upgrade-1.11.11-to-1.11.12.diff.gz)= 962156ed58a41b4b2034d0d3b3dfa394c59b5c46644ca048609d3dbdb73fd59e
- The sourceforge.net hosting was reconfigured to serve HTTPS, thus, the
  leafnode website is now at https://leafnode.sourceforge.io/
- https://www.leafnode.org/ is now being served by an external nginx-based
  web server so it can use a proper TLS certificate.
- The GMANE links and last modified tag have been removed from the
- The web site has been updated to use newer https:// links where available.
- The mailing list has been moved to the leafnode.org domain. See README.

- A configuration --without-ipv6 now compiles again. Patch by Michael Bäuerle.
- Leafnode recognizes an EEXIST error to rmdir() the same as ENOTEMPTY.
  Patch by Gary R. Schmidt.
- Leafnode no longer trashes the stack if it, while scanning the message.id 
  directory, finds a directory with an all-numeric name that is 1000 or higher.
  Reported by Matthias Gerstner.
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